intoxication, enterosorbents, nanoscale silica, intracorporal detoxication.Abstract
Aim – review the pharmacological properties and principles for the use of enterosorbents based on high disperse nanoscale silica (nanosilica) reviewed. From the analysis of literature data it has been concluded that the most effective application of enterosorbtion should be in case of infectious diseases because they are characterized by a high level of intoxication. It has been shown that nanoscale silica is characterized by the highest sorption activity against proteins, so it is the most promising material for creation new sorption drugs.
Materials based on high disperse nanoscale silica has been described for intracorporal detoxication in the form of an aqueous dispersion entitled as «gel sorbent» and «gel sorbent of lipophilic complex of flax seeds».
Conclusion. The offered sorbents save all the positive properties of silica enterosorbent in powder form, but at the same time, they are characterized by new additional properties. They do not raise dust, they can be easily dosed out. Besides, the presence of additional oil flax in the second sample excludes practically the possibility of the formation of constipation due to use of the enterosorbent.
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