salmonelloses, integrative indices intoxication, immunoreactivity, microbiocenosis, probiotics.Abstract
The aim of the work – to investigate the effect of probiotics on the course of salmonellosis by studying changes in indicators of endogenous intoxication, immunoreactivity and intestinal microbiota of patients.
Patients and Methods. A survey of 189 patients with salmonellosis. The middle age of patients was (43,23±1,22) years. They were taken to hospital at (2,26±0,08) day. Carried out: complete blood count, bacteriological examination of feces, calculated integrative indices of endogenous intoxication and immunoreactivity. Investigated a microbiocenosis of a thick gut prior to treatment and on (5,76±0,16) days from the moment of hospitalization.
Results. All patients with salmonellosis in the acute period had a significant increase in integrative indicators of endogenous intoxication. It was followed by violation of immunological reactivity and active adaptive reaction of an organism. All patients have a quantity of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and escherichia coli were two-three orders less, than in control, at opportunistic pathogen increased by three-six orders of levels of other representatives, hemolyze escherichia coli and fungus class Candida (р<0,05-0,001). In convalescents receiving baseline therapy and the combined probiotic, indices endointoxication have returned to normal range (p<0,001). Under the influence the combined probiotic retract bowel dysbacteriosis. Faster normalize microbiocoenosis at the patients who have received the combined probiotic (alive lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii 0,325×109; spores Lactobacillus sporogenes (Bacillus coagulans) 0,325×109; alive lyophilized Lactobacillus rhamnosus 0,325×109; alive lyophilized Bifidobacterium longum 0,325×109 ) (р<0,05-0,001).
Conclusion. Using the combined probiotic in curing patients with salmonellosis leads to a rapid normalization measure of endointoxication, immunoreactivity and microbiocenosis of intestinal canal.
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