
  • M. A. Andreychyn
  • Yu. V. Kopcha




distance thermography, thermal picture of man body, tonsillitis, diagnostics.


Principle of the controlled from distance medical thermography, mechanism of human body temperature adjusting and thermografhic phenomena, is considered on skin. The normal thermografhic picture of different areas of body, and also high-quality and quantitative indexes of pathological thermoasymmetries, is briefly described. It is marked that interpretation of thermografhic picture causes certain difficulties through substantial influence on thermogramm character of constitutional features, amount of hypodermic-fatty cellulose, age, features of blood supply and other factors. At the same time classic thermografhic criteria are known many oncologic, gynaecological, surgical, ophthalmology, therapeutic, infectious and many other diseases. In detail a temperature topography is considered at acute tonsillitis.


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How to Cite

Andreychyn, M. A., & Kopcha, Y. V. (2016). DISTANCE THERMOGRAPHY AND IT VALUE AT DIAGNOSTICS OF ACUTE TONSILLITIS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, 1(3), 82–88. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2727.2016.3.6897



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