
  • Yu. M. Andreychyn
  • V. A. Besky




maxillary sinusitis, diagnostics, computed tomography.


CT is highly informative and noninvasive method of diagnosis for examining patients. It can significantly improve the process of diagnosis. CT data can not only detect the content of the paranasal sinuses, but also identify their anatomical relationship to surrounding tissues. The data presented is based in-house research covering various clinical manifestations of maxillary sinusitis and change in computer tomograms.


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How to Cite

Andreychyn, Y. M., & Besky, V. A. (2016). DIAGNOSIS SINUSITIS (2 Part). Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, 1(3), 54–57. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2727.2016.3.6891



Original investigations