
  • A. I. Kohutych
  • S. M. Turyanytsya
  • M. A. Polyak
  • A. A. Galamba
  • Ye. M. Demeter




hepatitis A, clinical and epidemiological peculiarities.


Peculiarities of Hepatitis A (HA) manifestation on modern stage have been analyzed among the inhabitants of Zakarpatye region. It has been proved, that HA morbidity is still actual for the Zakarpatye region. Regional morbidity in 100 thousand inhabitants exceeds national figures. The activation of epidemic process happens each 3-6 years. Children have prevalence among the patients with HA. Children of age 5-14 years and adults 19-29 are more prone of being ill. Among children with HA males are more frequent. For the hepatitis A in children – jaundice forms of mild and moderate severity are prevalent, for adults – jaundice form of moderate severity. HA  has much severe course of the diseases in adults.


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How to Cite

Kohutych, A. I., Turyanytsya, S. M., Polyak, M. A., Galamba, A. A., & Demeter, Y. M. (2016). HEPATITIS A. MODERN PECULIARITIES OF «OLD INFECTION» AMONG THE INHABITANTS OF ZAKARPATYE REGION. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, 1(3), 41–46. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2727.2016.3.6888



Original investigations