
  • V. D. Moskaliuk
  • I. V. Balaniuk
  • A. S. Sydorchuk
  • Y. O. Randiuk



chronic hepatitis C, cell reactivity, the level of stress adaptation.


Upon we had studied the cell reactivity in 31 patients with chronic hepatitis C, it was determined that cell reactivity index decreased on 32,03 %, as well as evidenced the increase of nuclear index of endotoxemia level on 81,25 % among enrolled persons. The level of intoxication caused by the destruction cells and tissues activation totally increased that confirmed the prevalence of autointoxication over proper intoxication caused by an infectious agent – hepatitis C virus.

It had proved that in patients with chronic hepatitis C the level of adaptation processes reduced on 12,20 %. The majority of patients (70,97 %) the adaptation index being in the zone of the stress response in 22,58 % cases and within zone of response to training (48,39 %).


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How to Cite

Moskaliuk, V. D., Balaniuk, I. V., Sydorchuk, A. S., & Randiuk, Y. O. (2016). THE CELL REACTIVITY AND ADAPTATION STRESS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS C. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, 1(3), 33–36.



Original investigations