
  • V. I. Trykhlib
  • A. B. Shchur
  • M. O. Pavlovska
  • H. A. Muzyka
  • S. I. Tkachuk
  • O. I. Panasiuk



SUMMARY. The article provides a review of the literature
on complications of influenza and acute respiratory
infections with pneumonia, encephalitis and their
possible agents. The description of cases of pneumonia
and encephalitis in the soldier on a background of acute
respiratory disease is illustrated.
Key words: pneumonia, encephalitis, military.

Author Biography

V. I. Trykhlib

Department of Information Technology


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How to Cite

Trykhlib, V. I., Shchur, A. B., Pavlovska, M. O., Muzyka, H. A., Tkachuk, S. I., & Panasiuk, O. I. (2016). PNEUMONIA AND ENCEPHALITIS AS COMPLICATIONS OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS AND INFLUENZA. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (1), 19–23.


