
  • K. I. Vozna



SUMMARY. 136 patients with HIV/AIDS were under observation. It has been found cardiotropic effect of human immunodeficiency virus, and thus significantly more diverse manifestations changes recorded bioelectrical activity of the heart due to the progression of HIV and on the background of a high viral load of HIV RNA and low immune defense.

The risk of abnormal QTc interval statistically higher among HIV-positive female patients, it grew up in the deepening of immunodeficiency and duration of HIV infection (over 5 years). The increase in the electrical ventricular systole also recorded significantly more frequently in HIV-infected patients with Right Bundle Branch Block and in patients with ischemic changes in the myocardium. Patients with QTc interval prolongation compared with patients with normal duration of this interval had a significantly higher incidence of co-infection with hepatitis C.

HIV-infected patients are at significant risk of  QT prolongation due to medications, but the relationship between the use of protease inhibitors and prolongation QTs still negligible.

Key words: HIV-infection, cardiovascular disease, interval QT, QTc prolongation.



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How to Cite

Vozna, K. I. (2016). PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF PROLONGED QTc INTERVAL IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (4).


