
  • A. M. Bondarenko Kryvy Rih National University



biological weapons, anthrax, genome editing, countermeasures


SUMMARY. In the current war conditions, the temptation to use biological weapons by an aggressor, especially if it is possible to use them covertly under the guise of natural epidemics, is extremely great.

A detailed analysis of combat strains of the causative agent of anthrax – B. anthracis, features of epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic, therapy and specific immunoprophylaxis caused by them is presented, which already allows us to take all possible measures and be fully prepared for the possible use of combat strains of B. antracis by the enemy.

In view of the threat of actual use of combat strains of B. antracis and/or other types of biological weapons, it is necessary to fully restore the destroyed sanitary and anti-epidemic service both in the civilian sector and in the structure of military and army units, as well as specialized army units for the prevention and control of results of the use of biological weapons as weapons of mass destruction.

Author Biography

A. M. Bondarenko, Kryvy Rih National University

MD, Head of the Department of Ecology of Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine; consulting infectious disease specialist of Kryvyi Rih City Clinical Hospital No. 2; consulting infectious disease specialist of Kryvy Rih City Health Center


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How to Cite

Bondarenko, A. M. (2024). ANTHRAX AS A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON: POSSIBILITIES OF APPLICATION DURING WAR. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (2), 63–71.



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