


teniarynchosis, epidemiology, parasitic invasion, diagnosis, antiparasitic therapy


SUMMARY. Data from the scientific literature on the etiology, epidemiology of teniarhynchosis were analyzed, the pathogenesis, timing of occurrence and clinical significance of the symptoms of this disease were considered. Attention is focused on the causes of difficulties in clinical diagnosis and timely treatment of teniarynchosis at the current stage. It is noted that the relevance of this parasitosis does not decrease, despite successes in treatment, and in a number of countries and in Ukraine it continues to grow due to war and population migration. The changes that occur in the patient during the early invasion of the pathogen are described in detail. In particular, the reasons for the late diagnosis (after 2 years) of teniarynchosis in this patient were investigated. The methods of clinical laboratory diagnostics are analyzed, which will help to quickly establish the diagnosis of this parasitosis. The method of perianal scraping with the help of an adhesive tape, under the microscopy of which it was possible to detect oncospheres with a thick transversely striated membrane of the parasite, turned out to be more effective than direct microscopy of feces. The issue of early diagnosis of parasitosis requires further research. In regions endemic for taeniarhynchosis, vigilance is needed regarding the possibility of the etiology of teniosis lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Author Biographies

N. V. Popenko, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

PhD, Associate Professor of the Military Therapy Department of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy (Kyiv)

I. A. Iliuk, M. I. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University

Iliuk I.A. - PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Іnternal Medcine №2, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

I. V. Baranova, M. I. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University

Baranova I.V. – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Head of the Rehabilitation Department of the University Clinic VNMU


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How to Cite

Popenko, N. V., Iliuk, I. A., & Baranova, I. V. (2024). PROBLEMS OF DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT OF TENIARYNCHOSIS. Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni Khvoroby, (2), 79–85.



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