hemocontact hepatitis, HIV-infection, medical personnel, professional infection, prevention in wartimeAbstract
SUMMARY. People with HIV-infection and viral hepatitis, who may pose a threat to the professional infection of military medics, may be drafted into military units and units participating in active hostilities.
Comprehensive measures of pre-contact (PrCP) and post-contact prevention (PCP) are proposed to protect military medics from infection with HIV and pathogens of hepatitis B, D and C. The selection of such measures should be carried out:
1) in advance;
2) individually;
3) taking into account concomitant pathology;
4) taking into account possible drug interactions with drugs that the serviceman is already taking in connection with concomitant pathology;
5) taking into account absolute contraindications, with the maximum reduction of the risks of developing side effects and complications, primarily related to the effect on the nervous system;
6) implementation of individual selection of PrCP and PCP directly by specialists of the Centers of Socially Significant Diseases, who have practical experience of antiretroviral therapy and are able to take into account all possible side effects and complications, often associated with drug interactions;
7) for the prevention of infection with the hepatitis B virus to unvaccinated persons who have not previously suffered from HBV, pre-contact emergency immunoprophylaxis (vaccination) with a full course according to a shortened scheme (3 injections in 3 weeks) can be recommended, and for post-contact prevention – to supplement emergency vaccination simultaneous administration of specific hyperimmune anti-HBs immunoglobulin.
8) an 8–12-week course of preventive antiviral therapy with pangenotypic regimens for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C can be recommended for PrCP infected with HCV.
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