fever of unknown origin, algorithm, tacticsAbstract
SUMMARY. The article highlights the current definition, classification, and main causes of febrile illness of unknown origin (FUO). The algorithm of diagnostic search consists of a thorough clinical and anamnestic examination, routine laboratory and instrumental investigations, which are the basis for the initial assessment of a patient with prolonged unspecified fever, as well as the appointment of the latest diagnostic methods: laboratory special tests to exclude infectious and autoimmune diseases, non-invasive and invasive instrumental tests for the diagnosis of oncohematological and other pathologies. Approaches to the prescription of empirical therapy for patients with FUO are considered. Successful solution to the problem of differential diagnosis of this condition depends on the constructive interaction of many specialists (family doctors, infectious disease specialists, rheumatologists, hematologists, oncologists, surgeons), their awareness of diseases that presents with prolonged unspecified fever, and understanding of the tactics of patient management.
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