SUMMARY. Based on a systematic review is a comprehensive search, data on the evolution of coronavirus infection of the XX century, taking into account etiological factors, clinical manifestations and diagnostic possibilities. The latest information on changes in the etiology of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) during 2 years of the pandemic, the spread of the disease worldwide, international epidemiological principles, clinical symptoms, possible complications of the disease in pediatric practice.
The laboratory diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2 has been developed and improved by the efforts of the world medical community. The diagnostic criteria of different variants of the disease in children are described, taking into account general clinical, immunological, biochemical and instrumental methods of diagnosis. The phases of searching for etiological, pathogenetic, immunomodulatory therapy and its implementation in practice are highlighted. The treatment of complications, the use of oxygen therapy in acute respiratory distress syndrome, including ECMO in critical hypoxemia as a rescue technology. Emphasis is placed on the damage to various organs and systems in the acute phase of the disease, given the cytokine storm and the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2, such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome. The stages of development of vaccines with different vectors of action against SARS-CoV-2 and their introduction into pediatric practice are given.
Today, there is a lot of information and research on COVID-19 in adults as opposed to children. That is why the review is devoted to SARS-CoV-2 infection in pediatric practice.
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