toxocariasis, Tocsocara canis, children, clinical manifestation, diagnosisAbstract
The aim of the work is to analyze cases of toxocariasis in children, taking into account the peculiarities of the course and data of paraclinical studies.
Materials and methods. Eight children aged 3.5-10 years with visceral (6) and subclinical (2) forms of toxocariasis were observed. A comprehensive examination was performed, which included epidemiological data, clinical, conventional laboratory, biochemical, immunological (detection of IgG antibodies to Toxocara canis in blood serum), instrumental (chest CT, ultrasound of internal organs) research methods.
Results. The article highlights and summarizes the literature on morbidity, clinical features and treatment of toxocariasis in children, the involvement of Tocsocara canis in the occurrence of abortions in pregnant women, premature birth and infertility. Clinical cases of visceral toxocariasis in children and difficulties in diagnosis associated with a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease have been described. Neurological symptoms and disorders of the bronchopulmonary system dominate in the clinical picture.
Conclusions. Only vigilance about toxocariasis and targeted research methods make it possible to diagnose this disease, especially in children with bronchopulmonary and convulsive syndrome. Among the preventive measures, significant importance belongs to the sanitary-educational work aimed at conducting parasitological examinations of dogs and cats – to detect toxocariasis.
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