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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The article must have the relationship of the institution with a recommendation for publication, an expert opinion, signatures of the scientific supervisor and (or) the head of the institution, certified by a seal. The signatures of all authors are required under the text. Separately, it is necessary to indicate the name, patronymic (must be in Ukrainian), position, scientific degree or academic title of all authors, their e-mails, which can be used for correspondence and negotiations.
  • 2. The article should be printed in Ukrainian or English on one side of a sheet of A4 format (210×297 mm), with 1 space, 12-point font, Times New Roman. Tables and figures for the article should be packed in a single file with the text of the work, and scanned photos should also be prepared as separate files in TIF or JPG format. Graphs and diagrams should be prepared only in black and white.
  • 3. In the title of the article, indicate the initials and surnames of the authors, the title of the work, the name of the institutions or organizations where it was performed.
  • 4. Original research should be written according to the following scheme: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, literature. Each of these sections of the text should be highlighted.
  • 5. In the text of the article, when referring to the publication, its number should be indicated in the order of mention (and not alphabetically).
  • 6. All designations of measures, physical units, digital data of clinical and laboratory studies should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
  • 7. The bibliography should contain works from the last 10 years. The list of references is provided only according to the APA – American Psychological Association standard (
    Please note that punctuation marks such as «/», «//» and «–» cannot be used in bibliographic records. The name of the source and the original data are separated from the authors and the title of the article by a font type (italics), a period or a comma.
    Sources are printed in the order in which they are cited in the text, regardless of the language of the original.
  • 8. Ukrainian and English summaries with key words (at least 3 and not more than 8) are attached to all articles. Abstracts should reflect the main content of the article and its structure, highlight research results, avoiding general expressions, and also be compact (100 to 250 words – no more than 1500 characters).
  • 9. At the end of the article, in Ukrainian and English, it is necessary to submit information about the authors: surname, first name and patronymic (in full), academic title, academic degree, place of work, position, e-mail address and ORCID identifier of each co-author. In addition, the presence or absence of a conflict of interest must be indicated.
  • 10. All articles are reviewed. Reviewers can recommend the work for publication, or in case of non-compliance with the listed requirements – not. The reviewers’ comments are sent to the authors for the purpose of adapting the article for publication. All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism.
  • 11. The opinions expressed by the authors may not coincide with the editorial position. The editors correct terminological and stylistic errors, remove unnecessary illustrations, and shorten the text without consulting the authors.
    Works with a large number of content inaccuracies, grammatical errors, as well as those that do not meet all the above requirements, will not be accepted for publication. No royalties are paid. First of all, works of the journal subscribers are printed, as well as articles ordered by the editors, reviews, posts about anniversaries and events from scientific life.
    Articles should be sent to E-mail: as well as to the website, where the author must register and attach the electronic version of the article to the Journal «Infectious Diseases» for further editing. Postal address: “Infectious Diseases” Journal. Medical University, Maidan Voli, 1; 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine.

Author Guidelines

For the print version of the author guidelines,

The Journal of Infectious diaseases – Infektsiyni khvoroby is an Open Access, peer-reviewed All-Ukrainian journal, which is published quarterly in Ukrainian and English.

Types and Size of Articles Published in the Journal of Infectious diaseases – Infektsiyni khvoroby

The Journal of Infectious diaseases – Infektsiyni khvoroby publishes the following types of articles:

- Editorials

- Research reports (Basic Medical, Clinical and Public Health Sciences)

- Case reports (clinical observations)

- Systematic reviews (Basic Medical, Clinical and Public Health Sciences)

- Commentaries

- Letters to the Editor

 Editorials are commissioned by the Editor. Word count: up to 1500 words excluding references. References: up to 10.

 Research Reports submitted by authors and describing results of original research in the field of Basic Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences or Public Health Sciences. Word count: abstract up to 250 words, the main text of the article up to 3500 words excluding references, tables, and illustrations. Tables/Illustrations: up to 6. References: up to 30.

 Systematic Reviews submitted by authors and addressing currently relevant problems and concepts in the field of Basic Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences or Public Health Sciences. Word count: abstract up to 250 words, the main text of the article up to 3000 words excluding references, tables, and illustrations. Tables/Illustrations: up to 6. References: up to 40.

 Case Reports submitted by authors and describing interesting observations relevant to diagnostics, clinical presentation, and therapeutic issues. Word count: up to 2000 words excluding references, tables, and illustrations. Tables/Illustrations: up to 3. References: up to 15.

 Commentaries are commissioned by the Editor. Word count: up to 600. References: up to 10.

 Letters to the Editor submitted by the authors and usually but not exclusively commenting on the issues related to the articles published in IJMMR. Word count: up to 400. References: up to 5.

  Submission and Formatting of Articles

The article should be printed in Ukrainian or English on one side of a sheet of A4 format (210×297 mm), with 1 space, 12-point font, Times New Roman. Tables and figures for the article should be packed in a single file with the text of the work, and scanned photos should also be prepared as separate files in TIF or JPG format. Graphs and diagrams should be prepared only in black and white.

In the title of the article, indicate its UDC (universal decimal classifier), the initials and surnames of the authors, the title of the work, the name of the institutions or organizations where it was performed.

Original research should be written according to the following scheme: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, literature. Each of these sections of the text should be highlighted.

In the text of the article, when referring to the publication, its number should be indicated in the order of mention (and not alphabetically).

All designations of measures, physical units, digital data of clinical and laboratory studies should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

The bibliography should contain works from the last 10 years. The list of references is provided only according to the APA – American Psychological Association standard (

Please note that punctuation marks such as «/», «//» and «–» cannot be used in bibliographic records. The name of the source and the original data are separated from the authors and the title of the article by a font type (italics), a period or a comma.

Sources are printed in the order in which they are cited in the text, regardless of the language of the original.

Ukrainian and English summaries with key words (at least 3 and not more than 8) are attached to all articles.

Abstracts should reflect the main content of the article and its structure, highlight research results, avoiding general expressions, and also be compact (100 to 250 words – no more than 1500 characters).

At the end of the article, in Ukrainian and English, it is necessary to submit information about the authors: surname, first name and patronymic (in full), academic title, academic degree, place of work, position, e-mail address and ORCID identifier of each co-author. In addition, the presence or absence of a conflict of interest must be indicated.


All manuscripts must be submitted online in .doc format through editorial system at  Submission is coached by onscreen instructions. Technical support is available by email at All manuscripts should be double-spaced in Times New Roman Font (size: 12).

Manuscripts should be sent with the Cover Letter (a separate file in .doc format). The cover letter must be signed by the corresponding author and (a) attest that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, (b) information about the contributions of each person named as author/co-author of the paper, c) disclose potential conflicts of interest. Information regarding financial support (grants, contracts, etc.) should be mentioned in acknowledgments, at the end of the main text.

Original investigations

Articles should be structured according to a specific pattern: introduction, patients (materials) and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, literature. Ukrainian and English-language summary and key words are essential. All articles are peer-reviewed.

Reviews and lectures

The studied problem should be based on world researches and the author's experience. Arbitrary rubrication.

Discussion and releable

Argumentative papers, which highlight rather hypothetical views, are published. Arbitrary rubrication.

Brief reports

Brief overview of case studies, historical essays, resource materials etc.

Jubilees and events

Brief overview of someone’s jubilee or death anniversary, biographical and historical data, and information about forums held etc.

Book reviews

Reviews of monographs, textbooks, atlases and other books due to the magazine specialty.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.