Stratification risk score of cardiovascular events in patients with myocardial infarction in combination with comorbid and surgical pathology


  • L. V. Levytska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



myocardial infarction, surgical pathology, risk of cardiovascular events, GRACE score, Charlson comorbidity index


The aim of the work: to study the features of physical and biochemical parameters response of the functional state of the body in patients with myocardial infarction (MI) in combination with comorbid pathology (CP), to identify the relationship between marker and limited parameters of the functional state of the body and the risk of cardiovascular events.

Materials and Methods. 371 patients with myocardial infarction with comorbid pathology were investigated, who were consistently included in the prospective study. The basic functional indicators of the body of a patient with MI with CP, as well as their interrelations with the main risk score, clinical markers of physical activity tolerance and Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) were studied.

Results and Discussion. Risk rates on the GRACE score in patients with MI with CP have a direct correlation (point biserial correlation) with indicators of age (r = 0.267; P <0.0001), heart rate (r =0.159; P =0.028), respiratory rate (r =0.248; P =0.001), glucose levels (r = 0.197; =0.007), creatinine (r =0.154; P =0.033) and Charlson Comorbidity Index (r = 0,275; P <0,0001). The inverse correlation was observed between the levels of risk on the GRACE score and hemoglobin levels (r =-0.159; P =0.03), total cholesterol (r = -0.217; P =0.003), LDL (r = -0.292; P <0.0001 ), SpO2 (r = -0.178; P = 0.017), the number of lymphocytes (r =-0.169; P =0.02). An inverse correlation was observed between the level of comorbidity according to CCI and the six-minute walk test on the 10th, 30th and 90th day after the onset of MI development (r10 = -0.318; r30 = -0.397; r90 = -0.425; P <0.0001).

The analysis of specificity and sensitivity of the six-minute walk test on the 10th, 30th and 90th day of rehabilitation of post-infarction patients with CCI values > 2, showed the maximum specificity (1.0) and the predictive value of the positive result (1.0) of this marker in the comorbid patients for 6MWT10 = 83.5-98 m (95% confidence interval (0.672-0.828), P = 0.037); 6MWT30 = 147-166.5 m (95 % confidence interval (0.766-0.904), P = 0.005 and 6MWT90 = 199.5-227.5 m (95 % confidence interval (0.741-0.933), P = 0.005).


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How to Cite

Levytska, L. V. (2019). Stratification risk score of cardiovascular events in patients with myocardial infarction in combination with comorbid and surgical pathology. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 96–104.



Multydisciplinary approach