Status of the antioxidant protection system at experimental peritonitis against the background of diabetes


  • I. Ya. Dziubanovskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • B. M. Verveha Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила Галицького
  • S. R. Pіdruchna I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • N. A. Melnyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



acute generalized peritonitis, diabetes mellitus, antioxidant system


The aim of the work: to study the state of the antioxidant system of protection in the organism of experimental animals with acute, prevalent peritonitis modeled on the background of diabetes mellitus compared with animals with experimental acute peritonitis.

Materials and Methods. 56 white rats were used in this work. Diabetes mellitus was modeled by intraperitoneal injection of Sigmal streptozotocin in a dose of 7 mg per 100 g of animal weight, acute peritonitis – by administering of 0.5 ml of 10 % captured fecal suspension to the abdominal cavity of the animals under study. The indicators of antioxidant status were determined: superoxide dismutase activity of plasma, catalase activity of plasma and liver, recovered glutathione, ceruloplasmin. Terms of observation: 1, 3, 7 days from the beginning of the peritonitis modeling. Blood serum and hemoglobin homogenate were used for research.

Results and Discussion. It was proved that in acute generalized peritonitis on the background of diabetes mellitus, antioxidant defense resources are exacerbated to a greater extent in comparison with the group of animals with simulated acute peritonitis. In the main group, there was a statistically significant decrease in such antioxidant parameters as ceruloplasmin (1 day – by 12.25 %, 3 day – by 12.11 %, 7 day – by 11.15 %), glutathione reduced (1 day – by 11.87 %, 3 day – by 10.89 %, 7 days – by 9.42 %), superoxide dismutase activity of the blood plasma (1 day – by 9.94 %, for 3 day – 13.22 %, 7 day – by 7.43 %), catalase activity of the liver (1 day – by 7.63 %, 3 day – by 19.39 %, 7 day – by 20.97 %), compared with a group with a simulated acute widespread peritonitis (p<0.05). In animals with experimental acute prevalent peritonitis, against the background of diabetes, protective antioxidant resources depleted to a greater extent compared to animals with a simulated acute peritonitis. Such detected inhibition of the antioxidant defense system indicates a significant depletion of the organism's protective factors in acute generalized peritonitis on the background of diabetes mellitus.


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How to Cite

Dziubanovskyi, I. Y., Verveha, B. M., Pіdruchna S. R., & Melnyk, N. A. (2019). Status of the antioxidant protection system at experimental peritonitis against the background of diabetes. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 31–36.

