Гнійно-септична патологія заочеревинного простору: досвід діагностики та лікування


  • I. M. Deikalo
  • S. I. Zaporozhan
  • S. V. Chepil
  • M. M. Nykytiuk




retroperitoneal space, retroperitonitis, paranephritis, paraclitum


The aim of the work: to analyze the results of treatment of patients with abscesses of the retroperitoneal area, optimization of diagnosing algorithm and adequate surgical treatment.

Materials and Methods. It was analyzed the results of treatment of 67 patients (40 males and 27 females, aged from 26 to 77 years old) with retroperitoneal abscesses, who were hospitalized in the clinic of General Surgery of Ternopil State Medical University in a period of 1985–2017 years.

Results and Discussion. Primary purulent process in 10 patients was in perirenal fat, in 33 patients – in fat tissues around the colon, and in 24 patients – in retroperitoneal fat. It was found that diagnostic mistakes were fixed in 29 patients (43.2 %). That is why it was concluded, that the obligatory procedure for the topical diagnosis of retroperitoneal space’s abscesses should be the early computed tomography with intravenous contrast media. All patients had surgery. During the surgical treatment of retroperitoneal abscesses, it was tested and introduced into a clinical practice differential approach to choose the surgical access and drainage determined by its topography-anatomical location and the spread of purulent-septic process. Because of approved treatment, 58 patients recovered. 9 patients (13.4 %) passed away.


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How to Cite

Deikalo, I. M., Zaporozhan, S. I., Chepil, S. V., & Nykytiuk, M. M. (2019). Гнійно-септична патологія заочеревинного простору: досвід діагностики та лікування. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 111–114. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2018.4.9723

