Family cystous pulmonary hypoplasia: clinical observation


  • L. P. Bodnar
  • Ya. Ya. Bodnar
  • Yu. M. Orel
  • P. Ya. Bodnar



pulmonary malformation, cystic hypoplasia of the lungs, computed tomography


This publication describes the case of cystic hypoplasia of the lungs in full-blood brothers. Singularity of observation is that despite the fact that all family members continued to have chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cystic hypoplasia was detected in native brothers in adulthood by accidental X-ray examination and CT in the period of exacerbation of the disease. The case described indirectly indicates the possible role of heredity in the development of cystic hypoplasia of the lungs and exacerbates the attention of family doctors on the expediency of a thorough examination, including computer tomography, for all family members if the presence of chronic lung diseases in the family.


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How to Cite

Bodnar, L. P., Bodnar, Y. Y., Orel, Y. M., & Bodnar, P. Y. (2019). Family cystous pulmonary hypoplasia: clinical observation. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 107–110.

