Ultrastructural and remodelling features of brain neurocytes after stenosis of aortoiliac segment in rats


  • Yu. M. Havryshchuk
  • I. Ye. Herasymiuk
  • T. R. Genyk




neurocytes, edema, destruction, organelles, endothelial cells


The aim of the work: to determine the changes of neurocytes ultrastructure of the rats brain after stenosis of the aortoiliac segment.

Materials and Methods.  Experiments were carried out on 18 sexually mature white laboratory male rats. Among them 3 animals were in a control group. Another 15 rats under ketamine anesthesia the abdominal aorta was narrowed directly over its bifurcation to 2/3 of the diameter. The material for electron microscopic studies was taken after 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after surgery in accordance with the generally accepted method.

Results and Discussion. The electron microscopic examination of rats’ cerebral cortex neurocytes after experimental stenosis of the caudal part of the abdominal aorta indicates the phatism of their morphofunctional rearrangement against the background of remodeling of the organ microcirculatory vessels in the dynamics of which the following periods can be distinguished:

- alterations (intensification of nuclear membrane invagination, local violations of the nuclear membranes structural organization clarity, uneven expansion and fragmentation of endoplasmic mesh channels, reduction of the number of ribosomes on its membranes, increase sizes of the Golgi complex cisterns, hypertrophy of mitochondria with simultaneous matrix enlightenment and destruction of their matrix) – immediately after stenosis and before the 3rd day of observation;

- adaptive-compensatory changes – from the third to the 7th day of the experiment with the stabilization of the microcirculatory flow morphofunctional state – against the background of diminished capillaries blood plethora the improvement of the ultrastructural organization of neurocytes was noted: the condensed heterochromatin were located in different parts of the nucleus, as well as at the karyoles, in the neuroplasm there was a significant amount of ribosomes and polysomes, in the cytoplasm hypertrophied mitochondria with clear crystals and focal-clarified matrix, tubules the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex cisterns were only moderately expanded;

- restorations – from the 14th to the 28th day of observation with the backward development of alterational changes and a substantial, but not complete, restoration of the initial state of the brain structures.


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How to Cite

Havryshchuk, Y. M., Herasymiuk, I. Y., & Genyk, T. R. (2019). Ultrastructural and remodelling features of brain neurocytes after stenosis of aortoiliac segment in rats. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 41–45. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2018.4.9711

