Dynamics of changes in antioxidant-prooxidant system in kidney tissues after trauma of abbdominal cavity with hypovolemic shock and ischemia-reperfusion syndrome


  • G. Y. Tsymbaliuk SHEI “Ternopil state medical university named after I.Ya.Gorbachevskiy”, Ternopol, Ukraine




ischemia, reperfusion, tourniquet, experiment, kidney, peroxide oxidation of lipids


Purpose: study the effect of reperfusion of the limb in the model of combined injuries of the abdominal cavity and hypovolemic shock on changes in antioxidant-prooxidant mechanisms in the renal tissues.

Materials and methods. In the experiment, 80 sexually mature white male rats, Wistar weighing 190-220 g, were found on a standard vivarium diet.

All animals were divided into groups: control and 3 experimental (for 8 animals in each group). In animals of the first experimental group under thiopental narcosis (40 mg • kg-1) proximal to the left paws was applied a hemostatic tourniquet for 120 minutes. In the second experimental group, a combined injury to the abdominal cavity was simulated by applying two dose hits to the abdominal region; hypovolemic shock was modeled by bloodletting from 20 to 22% of the volume of circulating blood from the femoral vessels. In the third experimental group, a combined injury to the abdominal cavity and reperfusion of the extremities was simulated. Animals of the control group were administered only in anesthesia.

Animals of experimental groups were withdrawn from the experiment under conditions of thiopental anesthesia by the method of total blood-flow from the heart after 1, 3 and 7 days after the reperfusion. To study, kidneys were taken.

The activity of catalase, the content of reagents for thiobarbituric acid (TBC-active products) was determined in kidney homogenates, and the antioxidant-prooxidant index was calculated on the basis of these data.

Research results and their discussion. It was found that reperfusion of the limb causes prolonged oxidative stress in the tissues of the kidney, as evidenced by the significant accumulation of TBC-active products in its tissue. The same identity was determined in the dynamics of changes in the level of TBK-active products and catalase activity between animal groups with reperfusion changes and a group where simulated closed trauma of the abdominal cavity organs and hypovolemic shock.

In the group of animals where reperfusion was combined, trauma to the abdominal cavity and hypovolemic shock developed the depletion of antioxidant mechanisms, as evidenced by the dynamics of the API until the seventh day, when it was statistically lower than control values ​​(p <0.05) at 37.8%. This indicates a high risk of multiple organ failure syndrome and the need for further study and development of correction and prophylaxis.

Author Biography

G. Y. Tsymbaliuk, SHEI “Ternopil state medical university named after I.Ya.Gorbachevskiy”, Ternopol, Ukraine




How to Cite

Tsymbaliuk, G. Y. (2018). Dynamics of changes in antioxidant-prooxidant system in kidney tissues after trauma of abbdominal cavity with hypovolemic shock and ischemia-reperfusion syndrome. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 63–69. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2018.3.8898

