Endovideosurgical methods in treatment of multiple trauma


  • O. B. Kutovyi Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • V. A. Chaika Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • V. V. Pimakhov Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy




videolaparoscopy, videothoracoscopy, multiple trauma, cranioabdominal injury, craniothoracic injury.


The aim of the work: to evaluate treatment effectiveness as well applicability of videoendoscopic interventions in case of abdominal either chest trauma combined with brain injuries.

Materials and Methods. Patients with combined trauma were divided into 4 subgroups: Іa (n = 31) and ІІb (n = 40) – patients, who were managed by endoscopic approaches: laparoscopy either videothoracoscopy. Іa (n = 43) and ІІb (n = 39) subgroups included injured, who were treated with conventional approach.

Results and Discussion. In patients of Іа subgroup consciousness was recovered faster with 14.1±0.5 points of Glasgow Coma Scale on postoperative day 7, in comparison with 12.9±0.8 points of Іb subgroup casualties, corresponding picture was observed at the same period among wounded of ІІа subgroup (13.8±0.3 points) in comparison with ІIb subgroup patients (12.4±0.9 points). In Іа subgroup traumatic disease had more favourable course, and was featured by lower indexes of common state severety according to MODS, starting from postoperative day 3, when this index accounted for 3.08±0.75 points, comparing with the corresponding index of Іb subgroup injured, which was equal to 4.38±1.26 points. Similar figure was mentioned among wounded of ІІа subgroup 0.98±0.25 points, in equivalence with analogous index among injured of ІІb subgroup which was equal to 2.78±0.54 points. Usage of videoendoscopic approaches permitted to improve treatment results as well as to plunge the number of complications, at the same time not affecting negatively the development of pathologic process in patients with mild and moderate brain trauma.

Author Biographies

O. B. Kutovyi, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

д.мед.н, професор, зав.кафедри хірургії №2 ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія» - пл.Соборна, 14 , м.Дніпро, Україна 49044, (056) 715-53-38

V. A. Chaika, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

к.мед.н, асистент кафедри хірургії №2 ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія» - пл.Соборна, 14 , м.Дніпро, Україна 49044, (056) 715-53-38

V. V. Pimakhov, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

асистент кафедри хірургії №2 ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія» - пл.Соборна, 14 , м.Дніпро, Україна 49044, (056) 715-53-38


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How to Cite

Kutovyi, O. B., Chaika, V. A., & Pimakhov, V. V. (2017). Endovideosurgical methods in treatment of multiple trauma. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 14–18. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2017.3.8120

