Experimental reasons and experience of the use of xenorought in treatment and tectonic cherat plasma in patients with varietes of different etiologies


  • M. V. Turchin Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • N. V. Pasechnikova ДУ «Інститут очних хвороб і тканинної терапії імені В. П. Філатова НАМН України»




corneal disease, xenorogic, canning, keratocoenomplant.


The aim of the work. Substantiation of expediency of use of cryolophilized xenographer of pig in medical-tectonic keratoplasty in patients with corneal ulcers of different etiology.

Materials and Methods. In the experiment, in order to study the effectiveness of different methods of preserving the pig’s cornea, various methods of preserving donor crows were used: the wet chamber according to V. P. Filatov, lyophilized drying, deep freezing (–196 oC) without cryoprotectant, deep freezing with cryoprotector, deep freezing with cryoprotector and subsequent lyophilization. Experimental xenoceratoplasty, using intralamellar keratoplasty, was carried out on Vietnamese swine and rabbits of the chinchilla breed. Time of observation of animals – 6 months. Therapeutic or therapeutic-tectonic keratoplasty with keratocoenomplant according to the method of N.O. Puchkivska was performed by patients with complications of inflammatory diseases of the cornea and with burn injuries of the cornea.

Results and Discussion. The conducted researches were established that the best stored structure of the cornea during deep freezing with the cryoprotectant, and the subsequent lyophilization almost does not affect its structure. As a result of studying the features of the reaction of the eye to the transplantation of xenogeneous cobblestones for different methods of preservation with subsequent allotransplantation in the cornea of the pig or xenotransplantation in the cornea of the rabbit, it was found that the reaction of the pig’s cornea itself to the pig donor coronary allograft and the response to the xenograft in the cornea of the rabbit was insignificant. According to the results of clinical application in patients with ulcerative complications of inflammatory diseases of the cornea and eyes burns, it was determined that the postoperative period was characterized by a calm flow. The term xenoceratome implant resorption usually lasted from 3 to 8 weeks. Complete healing of the ulcer, the closure of the fistula with the formation of clouded cornea in the area of defect with moderate vascularization was achieved in all patients. All patients with burn eyes managed to keep the cornea from perforation, to keep an eye and a feeling of light with a further perspective o f restoration of sight. The best results of the canine preservation of the pig’s cornea were observed with its deep freezing with the cryoprotectant and subsequent
lyophilization. The results of the clinical application of keratoceno implant indicate the expediency and promise of its use in patients with ulcerative complications of inflammatory diseases and after burn injury to the cornea.

Author Biography

M. V. Turchin, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Vice-rector for Science and Education, Professor of Department of Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics, MD, PhD, DSc in Biology, Professor


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How to Cite

Turchin, M. V., & Pasechnikova, N. V. (2017). Experimental reasons and experience of the use of xenorought in treatment and tectonic cherat plasma in patients with varietes of different etiologies. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 43–48. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2017.3.8051

