The Prognostic Markers Of Proliferation And Apoptosis In Patients With Nodular Goiters Combined With Auto-Immune Thyroiditis


  • A. D. Bedenyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • M. I. Sheremet Bukovynian State Medical University
  • L. P. Sydorchuk Bukovynian State Medical University
  • V. O. Shidlovskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



nodular goiter combined with autoimmune thyroiditis, needle biopsy, apoptosis, proliferation, thyroid gland.


The aim of the work – to study the processes of apoptosis and proliferation in paracentetic material of thyroid gland when nodular goiter combined with autoimmune thyroiditis using immunohistochemical method of the study and to determine proliferative activity index.

Materials and Methods. We carried out an immunohistochemical study by means of monoclonal antibodies against Fas, FasL, Bcl-2, P53 and Ki67 antigens using the TG puncture material.

Results and Discussion. The results showed the degree of proliferative activity in the thyroid tissue in NGAIT. We found a highly proliferative activity of lymphoid tissue, moderate proliferative activity of thyroid epithelial cells in the area of lymphoid infiltration and a low one – beyond the latter.

Conclusions. The pronounced expression of Fas and FasL on the thyroid epithelial cells in the area of lymphoid infiltration indirectly indicates that NGAIT causes the processes of thyroid epithelial cells apoptosis due to the immunity. Increasing the number of immunoreactive cells expressing Ki67 in the area of lymphoid infiltration and destruction of thyroid epithelial cells, are indicator of follicular epithelial regeneration as a compensatory-adaptive response of the organ. A pronounced Bcl-2 expression in lymphocytes prevents the cells from apoptosis and prolongs the cell survival time. There was a high expression of p53 protein in the nuclei of thyroid epithelial cells and follicular lumen, which can be explained by mutations in the gene p53, which allows the cells to find tolerance to apoptotic action of the immune system effectors.

Author Biography

L. P. Sydorchuk, Bukovynian State Medical University




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How to Cite

Bedenyuk, A. D., Sheremet, M. I., Sydorchuk, L. P., & Shidlovskyi, V. O. (2017). The Prognostic Markers Of Proliferation And Apoptosis In Patients With Nodular Goiters Combined With Auto-Immune Thyroiditis. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 65–70.

