Combination of laparoscopic and electric welding techniques in treatment of patients with acute appendicitis as а preventive factor for intraabdominal complications


  • S. I. Savoliuk Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П. Л. Шупика
  • R. O. Balatskyi



In the study there were analyzed cases of 96 patients with acute appendicitis. Among the patients there were predominantly women, 54 cases (56.3 %). All the patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy by using general and local anesthesia. The mesentery treatment and vermiform appendix stump formation were carried out by using electric welding of biological tissues in the patients of the main group. In the patients of the control group mesentery treatment was performed with traditional coagulation and clipping while the vermiform appendix stump was formed with monopolar coagulation by using ligature technique. The microbiological studying of the vermiform appendix stump didn’t show microorganisms growth in the main group of patients (100 %). However, after monopolar coagulation there was detected median bacterial growth in the control group (p>0.05). There were no intraabdominal complications reported in the main group, whereas in 4 cases (12.1 %) of the control group there was diagnosed non clinically manifested infiltration in the right iliac region during postoperative period (p>0.05). The patient of the main group received drug treatment during 1–2 days (p<0.05), the patient of the control group – 3–4 days. The average patient day in hospital was (1.5±0.5) days. The combination of laparoscopic and electric welding techniques in treatment of patients with acute appendicitis is characterized by a decreased risk of postoperative intraabdominal complications or their complete absence, less postoperative pain,  short length of hospital stay and rapid in-hospital rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Savoliuk, S. I., & Balatskyi, R. O. (2016). Combination of laparoscopic and electric welding techniques in treatment of patients with acute appendicitis as а preventive factor for intraabdominal complications. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3).

