Diagnostics and identification of surgical treatment tactics of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis


  • A. I. Sukhodolia Вінницький національний медичний університет імені М. І. Пирогова
  • O. O. Pidmurnyak Хмельницька обласна лікарня
  • S. A. Sukhodolia
  • O. I. Troparchuk
  • O. V. Kolomiiets




The experience of surgical treatment of 176 patients with complicated chronic pancreatitis occurrence was studied. Depending on the type of complications localization process, state-biliary pancreatic area using our proposed intraoperative puncture pancreatovirsungography, performed invasive diagnostics of the ductal system and pancreatic tissue. This enabled us to diagnose the various complications of CP, and implement the most optimal surgery, with minimal postoperative complications. Taking into account the progression in the pancreas, exocrine rise, as evidenced by the definition of fecal elastase-1 surgical complication of chronic pancreatitis occur at different times. Application of developed intraoperative diagnosis of ductal system of the pancreas, namely puncture pancreatovirsungography, ensured the reduction of the frequency of complications in the early postoperative period, severity of pain and improve quality of life (by questionnaire MOS SF-36).


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How to Cite

Sukhodolia, A. I., Pidmurnyak, O. O., Sukhodolia, S. A., Troparchuk, O. I., & Kolomiiets, O. V. (2016). Diagnostics and identification of surgical treatment tactics of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3). https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2016.3.6794

