Peculiarities of the clinical course and treatment of acute extensive peritonitis of oncological genesis


  • O. I. Ivashchuk Bukovynian State Medical University
  • I. Ya. Hushul Вищий державний навчальний заклад України “Буковинський державний медичний університет
  • V. Yu. Bodyaka
  • V. P. Unhurian
  • I. D. Postevka



Algorithm of a surgical method of acute extensive peritonitis against a background of the large intestine, elaborated on the basis of the research of clinico-laboratory peculiarities of the clinical course of the latter, is presented in the article. It has been established that acute extensive peritonitis, which arose in consequence of a malignant neoplasm complication of the large intestine, particularly in combination with bowel obstruction, being for the most part general, with great quantity (over 600 ml) of serous peritoneal exudates, is accompanied with insufficiency of two and more organs’ systems, as well as intraperitoneal hypertension III-IV degrees. The proposed algorithm of the surgical procedure at acute extensive peritonitis against a background of the large intestine cancer, includes the application of a grade-scale of the method choice of the final or temporary closure of the abdominal cavity, determination of the optimal term of performing laparotomy. The efficacy of the method, namely, a decrease of the “local” postoperative complications quantity is marked 25 % (p<0.05), “systemic” 23.3 % (p<0.05) and postoperative mortality – 20.8 % (p<0.05) was demonstrated on 75 patients.


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How to Cite

Ivashchuk, O. I., Hushul, I. Y., Bodyaka, V. Y., Unhurian, V. P., & Postevka, I. D. (2016). Peculiarities of the clinical course and treatment of acute extensive peritonitis of oncological genesis. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3).

