Clinical case of hemorrhagic stroke in a pregnant woman one to rupture of arteriovenous malformation of the cerebellum


  • V. V. Syvokoniuk
  • V. M. Lituchyi
  • D. M. Savchuk




The paper presents a rare case of pregnancy pathology. The case of hemorrhagic stroke due to rupture of arteriovenous malformation of the cerebellum in 31 weeks pregnant with favorable consequences for mother and fetus. Proved the success of early surgical treatment.


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How to Cite

Syvokoniuk, V. V., Lituchyi, V. M., & Savchuk, D. M. (2016). Clinical case of hemorrhagic stroke in a pregnant woman one to rupture of arteriovenous malformation of the cerebellum. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1).

