Fournier gangrene - modern look for diagnosis and treatment under the present


  • M. M. Stets
  • V. R. Antoniv
  • S. L. Kinzer
  • O. M. Avtomyeyenko
  • M. S. Kryvopustov
  • O. M. Kulak



The article adduces the etiology and pathogenesis of this nosology. For example, in treated 43 patients, special attention is paid to ways of improving the diagnosis and treatment of Fournier gangrene which in itself includes how adequate surgical treatment of purulent necrotic foci and maximalism treatment in intensive care. The percentage mortality was 20.6 %.


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How to Cite

Stets, M. M., Antoniv, V. R., Kinzer, S. L., Avtomyeyenko, O. M., Kryvopustov, M. S., & Kulak, O. M. (2016). Fournier gangrene - modern look for diagnosis and treatment under the present. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1).

