Comparative description of elasticity of cardiovascular system using different kinds of anesthesia for patients with orthopedic trauma before hospitalization


  • Ye. V. Barkova
  • O. Yu. Sorokina



According to the results of a retrospective analysis of 53 victims with orthopedic trauma there was found out that the number of patients who had not been anaesthetized during the pre-hospital period was 19.9 %. There were also patients who had different kinds of anesthesia. 49.0 % - non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 11.3% - narcotic analgesics, 20.8 % - multimodalanalgesia. Hemodynamic parameters in a group of patients who hadn’t been anaesthetized and in NSAIDs groupwere determined by hyperdynamic type. It indicates about insufficient pain relief at this stage of care.


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How to Cite

Barkova, Y. V., & Sorokina, O. Y. (2016). Comparative description of elasticity of cardiovascular system using different kinds of anesthesia for patients with orthopedic trauma before hospitalization. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1).

