Сomparison of postoperative complications after combined operations, made for the locally advanced stomach cancer


  • Yu. Yu. Oliynyk




Early post operative complications of combined total gastrectomy (CGE) and distal subtotal gastrectomy (KDSG) performed in 957 patients with locally advanced gastric cancer in stage III disease were analyzed. After CGE in 116 patients (16.1%) were diagnosed 188 complications after KDSG in 20 patients (8.4%) were diagnosed 27 complications significantly less (p<0,01). The structure of postoperative complications in both groups the majority were from surgical complications were not surgical minority (p<0,01). Among the early surgical complications CGE and KDSG dominated purulent-septic, including postoperative peritonitis – 22.9% and 33.3% of intra-abdominal abscesses, – 13.3% and 18.5%, anastomoses failure – 11.7% and 18.5%. Our results indicate the feasibility of operating performance combined operations that expand the possibilities of radical surgical treatment of gastric cancer.


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How to Cite

Oliynyk, Y. Y. (2016). Сomparison of postoperative complications after combined operations, made for the locally advanced stomach cancer. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2015.4.5668

