Violation of biligenic liver function on the back-ground of an acute peptic ulcer and their correction by thiotriazoline in the experiment


  • R. I. Tsytsiura



Modeling of an acute gastric ulcer in 7 days is accompanied by biolation of biligenic liver function, manifested in a significant reduction of the common bile  acids, direct bilirubin and degree of its conjugation. Application of Thiotriazoline within seven days after modeling of an acute gastric ulcer at a dose of 9.07 milligram per kilogram of an animal’s body weight intraperitoneally is accompanied by a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, which manifests in normalization of parameters of studied biligenic liver function.


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How to Cite

Tsytsiura, R. I. (2016). Violation of biligenic liver function on the back-ground of an acute peptic ulcer and their correction by thiotriazoline in the experiment. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4).

