Remodeling of the great saphenous vein at case of рostthromboflebitic disease


  • R. Ya. Bodnar



We analyzed the features of remodeling of the structural components of the great saphenous vein in case of postthromboflebitic disease. We set the following features: thrombosis with formation of capillary angiomatosis, the predominance of sclerotic processes according to the type of muscular-elastic and muscular – fibrous, circular and focal narrowing of the lumen of the vein, angiogenesis of tunica media, hyperelastosis with dyscomplexation of elastic fibers, swelling, lymphocytic infiltration and morphological outcome of capillary-metabolic failure.


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How to Cite

Bodnar, R. Y. (2015). Remodeling of the great saphenous vein at case of рostthromboflebitic disease. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2).

