The use of LCP plates in the treatment of fractures of the of clavicular shaft


  • Yu. O. Hrubar
  • S. V. Gariyan
  • I. V. Burbela
  • M. Yu. Hrubar



The authors made an analysis of the results of using the LCP-plates in osteosynthesis of fractures of the clavicular shaft. The results of treatment were studied in 40 (78.43 %) patients in terms of more than 1 year, in 92.5 % of cases the fracture consolidation was achieved with the 85–100 functional points of shoulder joint on the side of the fracture. Using clinically adapted Robinson classification of fractures of the clavicle facilitates the selection of methods and type of fixation of bone fragments in fractures of the clavicular shaft. Based on the results of the study one of the factors that caused the bone consolidation disorder in fractures of the clavicle should be considered the range of debris dislocations and the number of bone fragments.


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How to Cite

Hrubar, Y. O., Gariyan, S. V., Burbela, I. V., & Hrubar, M. Y. (2015). The use of LCP plates in the treatment of fractures of the of clavicular shaft. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2).

