New approaches in anaesthesiological supply of simultaneous operations in females with combined gynecological and extragenital surgical pathology


  • V. L. Dronova



The method of anesthetic management of simultaneous surgeries in women with combination of gynaecological and extragenital surgical pathology was developed. In carrying out surgical interventions in patients with large volume of operations, on two or more organs, there were mainly used isolated anesthetic management techniques (general anesthesia, epidural or spinal anesthesia). The used method of anesthetic management is characterized by a combination of regional anesthesia with intravenous anesthesia using an additional combined with mechanical ventilation on  the background of miorelaxsation that enables to reduce the depressive effects of anesthesia on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, to carry out the correction of hemodynamic controlled within the normotension or hypotension. Conducting prolonged regional anesthesia makes it possible to reduce the dose of narcotic analgesics in the postoperative period, to normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract, to reesteblish physical activity of women, to reduce the potential risk of postoperative complications. Using  this method of anesthesia increase in surgical intervention does not significantly affect on the degree of surgical injury.


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How to Cite

Dronova, V. L. (2015). New approaches in anaesthesiological supply of simultaneous operations in females with combined gynecological and extragenital surgical pathology. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2).

