Reperfusion injury of the small intestine in patients with an acute intestinal obstruction





The level marker of damage of the small intestine I-FABP, based on the research was studied the ischemic and reperfusion injury of small intestine in patients with an acute intestinal obstruction. It was established that the severity of reperfusion injury of the small intestine depends on the stage of obstruction and severity of the syndrome of enteral insufficiency. Performance intestynal intubation in patients with an acute small bowel obstruction in terms decompensated enteral insufficiency leads to ischemic-reperfusion deepening frustration. In these patients preference should be given to the implementation of one-stage loop drive decompression


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How to Cite

POLYATSKO, K. H. (2015). Reperfusion injury of the small intestine in patients with an acute intestinal obstruction. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2).

