Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients of senile and old age


  • T. B. Hudzenko
  • A. V. Sudus
  • I. M. Shevchuk



During the period from June 2012 to March2015 inIvano-Frankivsk National Medical University, at the Medical and Clinical Diagnostic Centre “Simedgroup” 153 open heart surgeries were performed, 95 (62.1 %) of which were isolated coronary bypass grafting surgenes in patients with stable angina and with various forms of acute coronary syndrome. There were 21.8 % (21 patients, main group) of patients over the age of 70. 74 patients in the age from 39 to 69 years (78.2 %) were included into the group of comparison. The indications for surgical intervention in patients of both groups were the presence of multivessel coronary artery disease with lesions of the anterior proximal interventricular artery, more than 75 %, stenosis of the left coronary artery trunk more than 50 %. Among patients of the main group multivessel coronary artery disease was diagnosed in 12 patients (57.1 %), and stenosis of the left coronary artery trunk in more than 50 % – in 5 (23.8 %) patients. A critical stenosis of the proximal anterior interventricular artery was diagnosed in 4 (19 %) cases. The main group was staying in the hospital for an average of (8.52±2.27) days, and the group of comparison for (7.63±2.3) days. Elderly and senile patients require a longer rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Hudzenko, T. B., Sudus, A. V., & Shevchuk, I. M. (2015). Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients of senile and old age. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2).

