Surgical treatment of renal cell carcinoma with internally venous dissemination and implantation of thrombus intra vena cava inferior tissue


  • V. I. Rusin
  • V. V. Korsak
  • S. O. Boiko
  • Y. M. Popovych



This work presents the results of surgical treatment of renal cell carcinoma with internally venous dissemination and implantation of thrombus intra vena cava inferior tissue. In 3 cases was performed a prosthesis of vena cava inferior byGoreTexor PTFE prothesis (2 – above the renal veins, 1 – below the renal veins). Histologically confirmed an invasion of tumor thrombus by renal cell carcinoma intra vena cava inferior tissue is an evidence to resection of tissue or an area of vena cava inferior which repairs via prosthesis.


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How to Cite

Rusin, V. I., Korsak, V. V., Boiko, S. O., & Popovych, Y. M. (2015). Surgical treatment of renal cell carcinoma with internally venous dissemination and implantation of thrombus intra vena cava inferior tissue. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2).

