Increasing the safety of surgeries in pregnant women with primary chronic venous disease in conditions of hypotensive syndrome


  • V. M. Antonyuk-Kysil Public Enterprise “Rivne Regional Perinatal Center” of Rivne Regional Council I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University Luhansk State Medical University
  • I. Ya. Dziubanovskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. M. Yenikeeva Public Enterprise “Rivne Regional Perinatal Center” of Rivne Regional Council
  • S. I. Lichner Public Enterprise “Rivne Regional Perinatal Center” of Rivne Regional Council
  • V. M. Lypnyi Public Enterprise “Rivne Regional Perinatal Center” of Rivne Regional Council
  • V. V. Drozd Public Enterprise “Rivne Regional Perinatal Center” of Rivne Regional Council



inferior vena cava syndrome in pregnant women, “therapeutic maneuver”, local anesthesia in pregnant women, aortocaval syndrome


The article provides an overview of modern international guidelines and data from the latest literature sources of both domestic and foreign authors regarding inferior vena cava syndrome in pregnant women (IVCSPW).

Brief information on anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnosis, prognosis and prevention and non-drug treatment of IVCSPW during pregnancy are provided.

The possibilities of prediction and prevention of IVCSPW in real clinical practice were evaluated, taking into account modern international guidelines for increasing the positive results of planned surgical intervention under local anesthesia due to primary chronic venous disease in pregnant women in health care institutions of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Antonyuk-Kysil, V. M., Dziubanovskyi, I. Y., Yenikeeva, V. M., Lichner, S. I., Lypnyi, V. M., & Drozd, V. V. (2023). Increasing the safety of surgeries in pregnant women with primary chronic venous disease in conditions of hypotensive syndrome. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 73–81.

