Optimization of the diagnosis and treatment of purulent diseases of the pleura


  • V. G. Getman Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • A. G. Vysotskyy Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • S. S. Pitukh Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17
  • O. V. Seikovskyi Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17
  • Yu. Ph. Koshak I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




empyema of the pleura, video thoracoscopic operations, drainage of the pulmonary cavity


The aim of the work: improving the results of treatment of patients with empyema of the pleura by improving diagnostics and surgical care.

Materials and Methods. 1320 inpatients from 2002 to 2017 who were treated in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Communal Non-profit Enterprise "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17" with a diagnosis of pleural empyema were retrospectively studied. The me­thods used in the research are clinical, statistical, laboratory.

Results and Discussion. Methods of minimally invasive surgery were used in the treatment of 1282 (97 %) patients, of which: drainage of the pleural cavity was performed in 846 patients (66 %), polydrainage of the pleural cavity was performed in 344 patients (26.8 %), VATS – in 75 patients (5.9 %), puncture treatment was applied to 17 patients (1.3 %). The experience of providing assistance to patients with purulent diseases made it possible to define and work out the diagnostic algorithm of treatment, as well as to reduce the average time of drainage of the pleural cavity. VATS makes it possible to achieve good results in the treatment of EP, as well as to reduce the percentage of chronicity of the process, especially if an individual approach is followed in the treatment of each patient.

According to the results of treatment, complete recovery was achieved in 1051 (80 %) patients, 145 (11 %) patients were discharged with improvement, 80 (6 %) patients with chronic course were discharged for outpatient treatment. Fatal outcome – 44 patients (3 % of all treated cases).


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How to Cite

Getman, V. G., Vysotskyy, A. G., Pitukh, S. S., Seikovskyi, O. V., & Koshak, Y. P. (2023). Optimization of the diagnosis and treatment of purulent diseases of the pleura. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 45–49. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2023.1.13811

