Influence of cranioskeletal trauma on the manifestations of cytolytic Syndrome in conditions of cranioskeletal trauma in rats of different ages


  • Yu. I. Sushko Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • A. A. Hudyma I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. A. Zachepa Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region, Lviv



The aim of the work: to find out the dynamics of cytolysis markers under the conditions of craniosceletal trauma (CST) in rats of different age groups in the dynamics of a traumatic disease.

Materials and Methods. In experiments on male non-linear white rats of three age groups (sexually immature aged 100–120 days, sexually mature rats aged 6–8 months and old rats aged 19–23 months) under thiopethalosodium anesthesia, CST was simulated. In animals, after 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity (AlAT, AsAT activity) of blood serum was evaluated.

Results and Discussion. Under the influence of the simulated injury, regardless of age, the activity of cytoplasmic enzymes ALT and AST significantly increased in the blood serum of experimental animals, which indicates the development of cytolysis syndrome. In sexually immature rats, the indicators reached a maximum after 7 days and decreased by 28 days, reaching the control level. At the same time, in sexually mature and old rats, the indicators reached their maximum value later – after 14 days and further decreased until 28 days, but did not reach the level of the control group and remained significantly higher.

In the acute period of the traumatic disease – after 1–3 days, in sexually mature and old rats, a significantly greater absolute value and increase in blood serum ALT and AST activity were noted, compared to sexually immature ones. After 7 days, the value of the studied indicators became significantly higher in sexually immature rats with a further more pronounced decrease than in other groups, which after 28 days led to the normalization of the indicators. At the same time, the indicators also decreased in sexually mature and old rats, but significantly exceeded the control group. The obtained results indicate the age-related features of the course of the traumatic disease, which requires further in-depth study.

In rats of different ages, the development of cytolysis syndrome due to CST is characterized by different time and amplitude manifestations. Their critical points are the deepening of cytolysis in sexually immature rats after 7 days of the experiment and the greater amplitude of disturbances in old rats in the period of late manifestations of the traumatic disease.


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How to Cite

Sushko, Y. I., Hudyma, A. A., & Zachepa, O. A. (2022). Influence of cranioskeletal trauma on the manifestations of cytolytic Syndrome in conditions of cranioskeletal trauma in rats of different ages. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 54–62.

