Polymorphism of exophytic forms of papillomavirus infection in patients with genital warts of the anogenital area


  • A. M. Slepichko Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України
  • I. M. Deykalo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




human papillomavirus, genital warts, coilocytes


The aim of the work: to determine the pathomorphological features and clinical forms of papillomavirus infection in patients with genital warts of the anogenital area.

Materials and Methods. 105 patients with genital warts of the anogenital area were examined and provided with surgical care: 63 (60 %) women and 42 (40 %) men. Condyloma excision was performed by electrocoagulation using the BOWA device (Germany) with mandatory histological verification of the removed tissues. For the first time 67 (63.81 %) patients consulted a doctor. Among 38 (36.19 %) patients with relapses, 26 (68.42 %) had previously undergone destructive therapy, 12 (31.58 %) – antiviral and destructive.

Research and Discussion. Among the examined patients, single warts were diagnosed in 36 (34.29 %), multiple – 66 (62.86 %), Bushke-Levenstein warts – 3 (2.86 %). In 77 (73.33 %) patients there was a combination of acute condyloma of the anogenital area with other vegetative forms of human papilloma virus, which were located in the anogenital and other parts of the body, indicating infection with several types of human papilloma virus. The level of association of human papilloma virus, bacterial and fungal contamination was 62 (59.05 %) cases and contributed to the implementation of an alternative inflammatory process, which increases the likelihood of complications during the postoperative period. Histological examination revealed coilocytes – large light (almost white) balloon-like cells that are reservoirs of human papilloma virus, hyperkeratosis, dyskaryosis and hyperchromatosis of the nuclei.


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How to Cite

Slepichko, A. M., & Deykalo, I. M. (2022). Polymorphism of exophytic forms of papillomavirus infection in patients with genital warts of the anogenital area. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 72–77. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2021.4.12719

