The administration of magnesium-containing remedy for postoperative wound complications treatment in elderly patients


  • M. V. Trofimov Dnipro State Medical University
  • V. P. Kryshen Dnipro State Medical University
  • S. O. Muntian Dnipro State Medical University
  • O. Yu. Nosov Dnipro State Medical University
  • O. V. Kosynskii Dnipro State Medical University



postoperative wound complications, bishofite; elderly patients, local treatment


The aim of the work: to analyze anti-inflammatory action of bishofite local administration and its influence to wounds healing and after surgery complications in particular.

Materials and Methods. Our research includes 57 patients above 60 years old, who underwent various surgical interventions on the abdomen cavity and wall during three years. There was observed in dynamics during one month short-term results of wound curing (seroma, hematoma, infiltrate) using locally applications of bishofite. The presented data confirmed by complex of clinico-laboratory, cytological, instrumental methods of examination.

 Results and Discussion. The presented research revealed the positive results connected with bishofite implementation in wounds treatment such as abatement of pain, decreasing exudate amount and numerous of microorganisms in wound. On the base of clinics and labo­ratory tests along with ultrasonic images we found an evidence of bishofite efficiency at local treating of wounds. This method could be using beside classic and trivial ones in general surgery and in wounds curing after surgery in particular.

The furthermore research would have been a perspective in immunological and pathomorphological examinations not only locally but to the whole body in different group of patients.


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How to Cite

Trofimov, M. V., Kryshen, V. P., Muntian, S. O., Nosov, O. Y., & Kosynskii, O. V. (2021). The administration of magnesium-containing remedy for postoperative wound complications treatment in elderly patients. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 95–100.

