The features of the cytokine profile and immune status in patients with Condylomas of the anogenital unit


  • A. M. Slepichko Luhansk State Medical University
  • I. M. Deykalo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



human papillomavirus, acute condylomas, cytokine profile, immune status


The aim of the work: to study changes in cellular and humoral immunity in patients with acute condylomas (AC) of the anogenital unit and determine the degree of disorders; to investigate the state of the cytokine profile as predictors of the course of the postoperative period and treatment effectiveness.

Materials and Methods. 105 patients with AC of the anogenital unit were examined: 63 (60 %) women and 42 (40 %) men. The state of cellular and humoral immunity, the level of cytokines TNFa, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8 were determined.

Results and Discussion. The frequency of chronic somatic pathology was 96 (91.43 %). It was identified a significant decrease in the absolute and relative number of lymphocytes and its T-population. Against the background of lymphopenia, an increase in the level of B-lymphocytes (CD22) was revealed in the absolute and relative amount and concentration of Ig A and Ig G that indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process and/or inflammation of viral etiology with depletion of the T-link of immunity. The level of IL-4 was 2.4 higher than in the control group and was equal to (4.14±0.24) pg/ml; IL-6 – 2.7 – (3.77±0.45) pg/ml; IL-8 – 1.9 – (29.82±3.15) pg/ml; TNFa – 3.0 – (7.64±0.93) pg/ml. It was assessed the dependence level of TNFa, IL-6, IL-4 and IL-8 in the links of cellular and humoral immunity characterized by depletion of the cellular link-general lymphopenia, T-lymphopenia with a decrease in its absolute and relative values in all populations, an increase in the level of B-lymphocytes, IG G and IG A. The increasing levels of cytokines IL4, IL-6, IL-8 and TNFa in patients reflect the degree of distribution of AC and corresponds to the natural of concominant perifocal inflammation that should be used as a factor in predicting the course of the postoperative period and the effectiveness of treatment.


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How to Cite

Slepichko, A. M., & Deykalo, I. M. (2021). The features of the cytokine profile and immune status in patients with Condylomas of the anogenital unit. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 45–49.

