Peculiarities of the enzyme link of antioxidant protection in the early period Of cranioskeletal injury complicated by blood loss in rats with different Hypoxia resistance


  • D. O. Sikirinskaya I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • A. A. Hudyma I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • K. A. Pokhodun I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



cranioskeletal injury, blood loss, resistance to hypoxia, superoxidedismutase, catalase


The aim of the work: to elucidate the activity of the enezymic link of the antioxidant defense in the dynamics of the early period of cranioskeletal injury complicated by blood loss in rats with different resistance to hypoxia.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were performed on 148 nonlinear white male rats weighing 180–200 g, which were fed a standard vivarium diet. The rats were preliminarily determined to have individual resistance to hypoxia and two groups were identified: high- and low-resistant (HR, LR). Cranioskeletal trauma was modeled in animals and combined with acute blood loss. After 1, 3 and 7 days, superoxide dismutase (SOD-) and catalase activity was determined in the liver of animals that were not resistant to hypoxia.

Results and its Discussion. High level of SOD- and catalase activity of the liver is a characteristic feature of HR animals in comparison with LR animals of the control group. In response to cranioskeletal trauma, the activity of the studied enzymes in the liver of HR and LR of animals decreased with a maximum after 3 days and remained at the same level for up to 7 days. However, in the HR of animals after cranioskeletal injury, a lesser degree of decrease in the studied parameter was noted. Under the conditions of simulating additional blood loss, violations of the enzyme link of antioxidant defense in the liver were large and increased from 1 to 7 days. However, in the HR of animals, the violation of SOD activity in all periods of the post-traumatic period was less. Catalase activity in response to simulated traumas in the HR of animals after 3 and 7 days of the post-traumatic period was lower both under conditions of simulating only cranioskeletal trauma and its combination with acute blood loss. The results obtained aim at the need to take into account individual resistance to hypoxia in the development of strategies for the diagnosis and correction of traumatic disease in conditions of polytrauma and the differentiated use of substances with antioxidant properties, and requires further in-depth research.


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How to Cite

Sikirinskaya, D. O., Hudyma, A. A., & Pokhodun, K. A. (2021). Peculiarities of the enzyme link of antioxidant protection in the early period Of cranioskeletal injury complicated by blood loss in rats with different Hypoxia resistance. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 33–40.

