Treatment of patients with donor site wounds characterized by prolonged healing process


  • V. I. Nagaichuk M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • R. М. Chornopyshchuk M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • S. D. Khimich M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • О. А. Nazarchuk M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University



burns, donor site wounds, complications, platelet-rich plasma, skin grafting


The aim of the work: to substantiate the effectiveness of injectable use of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of donor site wounds with prolonged healing process in patients with deep thermal burns.

Materials and methods. The study involved 15 patients with IIb-III degree burns with the area of 10–15 % of the body surface. Starting from (27.3±0.1) days after the injury, depending on the chosen method of local treatment, patients were divided into two groups. Dressings applied to 5 patients of the main group, in addition to treatment of the wound surface with 0.02 % decamethoxine solution, provided for daily injection of autologous platelet-rich plasma on the periphery and directly into the donor site wounds for 6–7 days. The remaining agent was applied to the wound defect, which was covered with a double layer gauze napkin impregnated with the same antiseptic and Polyvinyl chloride film with adhesive tapes as fixation, gauze bandage. Local treatment of donor site wounds of 10 patients in the control group was limited to dressings with the use of the same antiseptic solution.

Examination of the patients included visual inspection of the injured area, determination of wound defect area, microbiological and cytological examination of the wound contents.

Results and Discussion. The results of the study allowed to establish positive effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma, already on the 3rd day of observation, manifested by color change, better structure of granulation tissue, active epithelialization processes in the form of islets on the wound surface and growth on the edges, approximation of the cytological picture to the inflammatory-regenerative type. Subsequently, rapid decrease in the size of the wound defect, appearance of new cell forms with almost complete healing by (9.3±1.2) days after plasma administration was noted in the patients of the main group. Treatment of the patients in the control group by a traditional way eventually led to repeated skin grafting.


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How to Cite

Nagaichuk, V. I., Chornopyshchuk R. М., Khimich, S. D., & Nazarchuk О. А. (2021). Treatment of patients with donor site wounds characterized by prolonged healing process. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 5–13.

