Abdominal trauma

(literature review)


  • S. Y. Zaporozhan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. S. Khomenko O. Herbachevsky Regional Clinical Hospital of Zhytomyr Regional Council




abdominal trauma, Vittel criteria, emergency laparotomy, concept of damage control


Abdominal trauma is without a doubt one of the most difficult sections of surgery. The constant increase in injury rates and, as a consequence, disability and mortality emphasize the social significance of the problem. The severity of the clinical course and the consequences of injuries and traumatic injuries of the abdominal cavity characterize this pathology as one of the most difficult sections of emergency surgery. Mortality from isolated blunt abdominal trauma is about 5 % in the structure of annual mortality from blunt trauma. Early diagnosis and treatment can really reduce mortality from abdominal trauma. The influence of altered levels of consciousness as a result of neurological trauma, alcohol or drugs are important factors that complicate the assessment of the severity of the trauma. The standardization of diagnostics aims at the rational and “targeted” use of a specific and necessary in a given clinical situation method. Indications for surgical treatment are still the subject of discussion, especially the importance of laparoscopy in the diagnostic and treatment algorithm. The article presents a review of the literature analyzing the main causes of abdominal injury, its prevalence, classification, possibilities of instrumental diagnosis, use of prognostic scales, the role of laparoscopy and traditional surgery in this category of patients, the importance of the “damage control” strategy in the light of modern concepts of care for victims with severe abdominal trauma.


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How to Cite

Zaporozhan, S. Y., & Khomenko, V. S. (2021). Abdominal trauma: (literature review). Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 99–107. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2020.4.11793

