Violation of the regulatory mechanisms of cardiac activity in ethanol liver Damage in rats with different emotionality


  • O. A. Kostyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. V. Denefil I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. E. Pelykh I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



rats, autonomic nervous system, central hemodynamics


The aim of the work: to establish the features of regulation of the cardiovascular system by the autonomic nervous system in ethanol liver damage in high- and low-emotional male rats.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were performed on 192 white outbred high- and low-emotional male rats (HE and LE). The emotionality of the rats were determined by the method of "open field". All rats were divided into the groups: control, glucose 7 days, ethanol hepatitis (EH); glucose 67 days, ethanol hepatosis (EHs), ethanol fibrosis (EF), ethanol cirrhosis (EC). The state of central hemodynamics, autonomic regulation of heart rhythm, morphological changes in the heart were evaluated.

Results and Discussion. Ethanol damage led to a violation of the autonomic regulation of heart rhythm, hemodynamics and morphological changes, which depended on the simulated pathology and emotionality of the rats. EH led to variational swinging, changes in blood supply, peripheral vascular resistance, which is more pronounced in HE. In HE at EHs the moda increased, the amplitude of moda decreased, at EF and EC the moda decreased, morphological changes were more expressed. In LE at EHs the moda increased, at EF the variational swinging decreased, was more expressed compensatory hemodynamic changes.

 Ethanol damage of the body in rats leads to a violation of the autonomic regulation of heart rhythm and hemodynamics. Acute ethanol hepatitis leads to activation of nervus vagus effects on cardiac activity, circulatory disorders, increased of peripheral vascular resistance. Dysfunctional changes in central hemodynamics and morphological changes expressed in HE animals. Ethanol hepatosis reduces sympathetic regulatory effects on the heart. In ethanol fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, the sympathetic effects increase in the HE, and in the case of fibrosis in the LE decrease the vagal influences. At the same time compensatory hemodynamic changes more expressed in LE, and morphological – in HE rats.


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How to Cite

Kostyuk, O. A., Denefil, O. V., & Pelykh, V. E. (2021). Violation of the regulatory mechanisms of cardiac activity in ethanol liver Damage in rats with different emotionality . Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (4), 36–46.

