Closed abdominal trauma


  • E. V. Remeziuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



polytrauma, abdominal trauma, “Demage control”, postoperative mortality


The aim of the work: to reduce postoperative mortality and improve the close and remote results of surgical treatment of patients with abdominal trauma in the conditions of polytrauma and combined trauma.

Materials and Methods. The results of surgical treatment of 172 patients with abdominal trauma in the conditions of polytrauma and combined trauma who were treated at the Department of Polytrauma of Ternopil City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Care for 2017–2019 were analyzed. 169 surgical interventions were performed.

Results and Discussion. Thoracoabdominal injuries and injuries were diagnosed in 22 patients, accounting for 16.9 % of all patients with abdominal trauma in polytrauma conditions. With closed abdominal trauma or penetrating abdominal injuries, 104 patients were operated – 80 % of all operated patients. 127 surgical procedures were performed. In the treatment of patients with abdominal trauma in the conditions of polytrauma and combined trauma, the basic concepts of treatment of polytrauma were observed: the "golden hour"; surgical resuscitation and demage control; multiple organ failure; traumatic illness; orthopedic resuscitation. The use of multistage surgical treatment tactics reduced the postoperative mortality rate from 14.5 % to 9.2 %.


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How to Cite

Remeziuk, E. V. (2020). Closed abdominal trauma. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 80–83.

