Modern aspects of surgical treatment of complicated forms of the chronic pancreatitis


  • I. M. Shevchuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • V. I. Pylypchuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • V. M. Galyuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



chronic pancreatitis, surgical treatment, long-term consequences


The aim of the work: improvement of the results of surgical treatment of patients with complicated forms of CP with violation of the function of adjacent organs.

Materials and Methods. The analysis of the results of the examination and treatment of 182 patients with CP was performed.

Results and Discussion. 43.9 % of patients had clear symptoms of damage to neighboring organs caused by chronic pancreatitis. Most often there was biliary hypertension.  In 99 (54.4 %) patients resection-type operations were performed. The operations of the drainage type were performed in 77 (42.3 %) patients. In 6 (3.3 %) patients with severe concomitant pathology there were performed sympto­matic operations. In patients with the disorders of the function of adjacent organs, resection-type operations were used in 76.3 % of cases. In the study of long-term results, the quality of life indicators in patients who undergone resection operations on pancreas were the best ones. The performed objective studies, laboratory and ultrasound data indicated that patients had no signs of abnormalities in adjacent organs in the long-term period after surgery.

Chronic pancreatitis is a serious illness in which 15.1 % have signs of endocrine insufficiency of the pancreas, 79.2 % have exocrine insufficiency, and 43.9 % have symptoms of abnormalities in the function of adjacent organs. The absence of well-defined indications for surgical intervention of chronic pancreatitis leads to its long and ineffective conservative treatment, often leads to delayed hospita­lization in the surgical hospital and, ultimately – to not always positive results of the operation. The main methods of surgical treatment of patients with CP are resection, which we used in 54.3 % of cases, but in patients with a violation of the functions of adjacent organs, the specific weight of such irregular interferences increases to 76.3 %.


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How to Cite

Shevchuk, I. M., Pylypchuk, V. I., & Galyuk, V. M. (2020). Modern aspects of surgical treatment of complicated forms of the chronic pancreatitis . Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 137–141.

